How to Comment on a Bill or Testify
WHEN there is a public hearing on the bill and you know the bill number and the committee that is hearing it:
(If the link does not open, copy and paste it in the URL box at the top of your browser.)
1. On the right side of the page click on one of the three links/titles under Participating in a Committee Hearing.
2. Click on House or Senate.
House bills are numbers below 5000, Senate bills above 5000. ( You can actually start with this link, too.)
On the Senate or House Committee Sign In page, select the Committee that is holding the hearing and the Meeting that you want. Once both boxes are filled, the bills that will be heard that day will pop up. (Possible glitch: After you select Committee, the Meeting box should say Select. If it says Select Committee, that is a glitch. Keep working with it as it should correct.)
3. Select agenda item that you want. (There is a lot of information on his page. If it is too confusing, skip reading it for now.)
4. Then you will be asked to Select type of testimony you will be providing. Select one of the four listed. That will take you to the final page.
(NOTE: In a black box under the four testimony choices, it says, “See who has signed in for this agenda item.” If you are curious, click on the link BEFORE you choose the type of testimony you are providing and you will be able to see who has signed in to testify and who has registered Pro, Con or Other.)
I would like to testify in person during the hearing.
I would like to testify remotely.
I would like my position noted for the legislative record.
I would like to submit written testimony. (For written testimony you may sign up after the hearing. It may be submitted for 24 hours after the START of the hearing. For the other types you must sign up at least one hour before the scheduled start of the hearing.)
5. Final page. Complete information requested and Submit Registration.
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